Current Paintings



Oil Painting on Stainless Steel


“2021 Spring”

Oil Painting on Stainless Steel


“A child in Hunger”

Oil Painting on Stainless Steel


" Fireman at 911 "

Oil Painting on Stainless steel,  48" x 48"



"I Couldn't Hold Back My Tear"

 Oil Painting on Plexiglass, 24" X 24"

Reference Link Below by New York Times:


"Washing and Kissing the Feet of Refugee"

 Oil on Stainless Steel, 24" X 24"


"Chemical Attack in Syria"

 Oil Painting on Stainless Steel, 24" X 24"



"Grieving of Lost Family" (Drug War in Philippine)

Oil Painting on Stainless Steel, 12" X 12"


"Grieving of Lost Family" (Drug War in Philippine)

Oil Painting on Stainless Steel, 12" X 12"



Oil Painting on Stainless Steel, 50" X 24"



Oil on Stainless Steel, 72" X 43"
